
10 items matching your criteria

  Changements during two years in populations of different mite dpecies in house dust before and after a single acaricidal treatment

Elixmann, J.H.; Bischoff, E.; Jorde, W. and Linskens, H.F.
1991 - Volume: 32, issue: 4
pages: 385-398

  Biology of the European house dust mite, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Trouessart)

Saleh, S.M.; Abdelhamid, M.M. and Rezk, H.A.
1991 - Volume: 32, issue: 1
pages: 57-60

  Morphological and biological studies of medically important house-dust mites

Hart, B.J. and Fain, A.
1988 - Volume: 29, issue: 3
pages: 285-295

  Effect of the JH-analogues altosid and altozar on the North American house-dust mite, Dermatophagoides farinae Hughes (Acarina, Pyroglyphidae)

Saleh, S.M.; El-Helaly, M.S.; Rawash, I.A. and El-Gayer, F.H.
1976 - Volume: 18, issue: 2
pages: 345-350

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