podocephalic canal

4 items matching your criteria

  Studies on internal anatomy of Calyptostomidae (Acari, Trombidiformes)

Vistorin-Theis, G.
1977 - Volume: 19, issue: 2
pages: 242-257

  Supracoxal gland secretions as a source of freshwater for Acaridei

Wharton, G.W. and Furumizo, R.T.
1977 - Volume: 19, issue: 1
pages: 112-116

  Phylogeny of opilioacarids and their affinity with the other mites

van der Hammen, L.
1970 - Volume: 12, issue: 3
pages: 465-473

  New observations on Oribatids (7th serie)

Grandjean, F.
1970 - Volume: 12, issue: 2
pages: 432-460

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